6 Reasons You Need Invisalign

Dental Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment for straightening teeth without the use of the traditional metal braces. In this procedure, clear plastic aligners are custom-made for the patient and wearing the same for the prescribed amount of time will eventually straighten the teeth.

 Dental Invisalign is a good option to consider instead of braces . Here are a few reasons why :


A person ends up in a condition called crossbite due to the misalignment and overlapping of the upper and the lower jaw. Their efficiency of chewing decreases sometimes leading to  jaw pain. Invisalign can help reposition the teeth and bring them back to their original state.


An underbite occurs when the lower teeth overlap the upper teeth as they are protruding out further than the upper teeth. People suffering from underbite have neuromuscular stress, and they experience discomfort during jaw movements. Invisalign is a good option to correct underbite.


An overbite occurs when the upper teeth are protruding more than the lower teeth. This causes them to have incompetent lips and inability to close mouth completely. Overbite can be treated with the help of Invisalign depending on the severity of the condition.

Tooth Crowding

Sometimes the space in your jaw becomes insufficient to accommodate all the teeth. This leads to crowding of teeth, where too many teeth erupt into too little space. Many teeth overlap each other due to lack of space and are hard to clean. Plaque and calculus accumulation, tooth decay and gum disease increase. With the help of Invisalign, these teeth can be straightened which helps maintaining oral hygiene easier.

Wide Tooth Spacing

Wide tooth spacing is a problem which is the opposite of crowding. When there is excessive room in the jaw , the gaps between the teeth are larger and clearly visible when you talk and smile.  Invisalign helps in closing the gaps for a better esthetic result and boosting your confidence.

Open Bite

An open bite is the inability of the upper and lower teeth to come together. Anterior open bite generally is a result of thumb sucking habit. A person suffering from open bite face problems in chewing food efficiently with the front or back teeth. Invisalign is used to correct the bite.

As discussed above, Invisalign has many benefits. They do not stand out like braces, and it’s easy to eat and talk while wearing one. To know more about dental Invisalign and to get one for yourself, book an appointment with an Invisalign provider in Edmonton .