Removal of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are one of the few vestigial organs of the human body, the presence or absence of which doesn’t make much difference. Humans have evolved beyond needing wisdom teeth and so have our diets. We no longer eat raw vegetables or meat. The cooking of our food is well-done, and our four molars per side are enough to chew such food. Still, owing to genetics, at least 53% of individuals still have at least one wisdom tooth coming in. So if you’re part of the 2% of the population born without wisdom teeth, this article isn’t for you—everybody else, listen up!

Wisdom teeth are generally the last teeth that you remove, and most people see wisdom teeth make an appearance in their late teens to mid-20s. Today, with softer diets and better dental care, these molars don’t have much use.

One of the reasons that most people have their wisdom teeth removed is because there is not enough room in their mouths for this large molar. Wisdom teeth can get stuck, push up against other teeth, and cause a lot of pain, or even get infected if not removed in a timely manner.

Several factors determine whether you might need your wisdom teeth removed, one of which is the pain they can cause. If your dentist recommends getting a wisdom tooth extracted, it may seem extreme but it is a fairly common procedure.

You should make an appointment with Signature Smilez Family Dental to discuss wisdom teeth extractions if you experience any of the following issues:

  • Pain
  • Repeated infection of your gums behind or around your last tooth
  • Pain in your adjacent teeth
  • Localized gum disease
  • Swelling
  • Difficulty chewing, biting, or opening your mouth

It is typically an outpatient procedure done by our dentist. This means that you can go home the same day after the procedure.

During wisdom teeth extractions, small incisions are made in the gum tissues overlying the wisdom teeth to access them. Once the wisdom teeth are exposed, the wisdom teeth and the roots are carefully removed from the jaw using special tools and techniques.

Note that we do treatment under LA at the clinic and if the case is very complex and cannot be managed by LA, we will refer the pt out to have their treatment completed under GA.

After surgery, you may have some tenderness, soreness, and experience some degree of post-surgical pain and swelling. Our professional staff will also provide instructions for pain relief that can be easily treated with over-the-counter pain medications.

For 24 hours after your procedure, you should avoid:

  • Drinking hot liquids such as coffee or soup
  • Forcefully rinsing your mouth out with any liquids (which could dislodge the clot)
  • Smoking or drinking alcohol (which could result in infections or dry socket) – If you’re a chronic smoker or tobacco user, you’ll need to refrain until you are fully healed
  • Strenuous physical activity (which may encourage bleeding)
  • You’ll also need to hold off on brushing in that area h for a day.

No spitting – only dribbling the water out of your mouth.

  • Do not use straws – they will dislodge the clot with the negative pressure.

Wisdom teeth eruption can be painful, which is why we provide safe and effective wisdom tooth removal services with proven results. We can provide you with a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs based on an accurate assessment of your oral health. Our staff will create a comforting environment at the office to ease patients into the procedure. Timely removal can help prevent unnecessary damage to your teeth and set you on track for a lifetime of quality oral health.

At Signature Smilez Family Dental we will be delighted to answer all of your questions and put your mind at ease. You can email us at: or call us at 780-478-2100.


Namao Centre, 16660-95 St,

Edmonton, Alberta T5Z 3L2