How To Reduce Wisdom Teeth Pain

Wisdom teeth are the last four molars which a person generally gets (not necessarily) in his late teens and early twenties. Most of the time, the process of the growth of a wisdom tooth is quite painful. Also, there is a possibility that due to lack of space, your wisdom tooth may grow in the wrong direction. This might put pressure on the nearby tooth and can cause infection too. In severe conditions, where the pain becomes unbearable, you will need to go for extraction of wisdom teeth at Edmonton dental clinic. But till then, you can follow the below measures to get relief from wisdom teeth pain.

Use Salt Water

The most common remedy for temporary relief from dental pain is using salt water. Wisdom teeth pain can also be reduced using this method. Mix two tablespoons of salt in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this solution several times and repeat it every few hours.

Apply Cold Compression

Wisdom teeth pain is mostly accompanied by severe swelling. A cold compression can help reduce the swelling and numb the painful area. You can use an ice pack that is available in the market or just use some ice wrapped in a towel or plastic. Apply it to the area where you have the pain and swelling.

Use Cloves

Clove is a natural painkiller found in most households. It has two properties:

  • Acts as an anesthetic and numbs the pain
  • Antibacterial and antiseptic properties prevent oral infections.

You can directly press a clove in your mouth. Place it on the area of wisdom tooth. You can even press a cotton ball with clove oil applied on it.

Use Anesthetic Gel

If the above methods are unable to give you relief, try using the anesthetic gels available in the market. Spread a thin layer of any of these pain relief gels on the outer side of the wisdom tooth as needed throughout the day. Also, dry that area before applying the gel.


Many people opt for painkillers when the pain becomes unbearable. Ibuprofen, the most commonly used painkiller helps relieve wisdom teeth pain.

NOTE: Always consult your dentist for the right painkillers you need to take.

If the pain and swelling persist, consult your dentist at Northside dental clinic, Edmonton for extraction of wisdom teeth.