General Dentistry Edmonton: Various Stages of Gum Disease

Do you feel irritation and inflammation around your gums? It could be a sign of gum disease. Gum is an uncomfortable situation which affects the tissues that surround and support the teeth. While it may not seem like a big problem in the preliminary stage, not treating gum disease could amplify the problem. To help you fight gum disease at the right time, you should know more about the different stages of gum diseases.

Stage 1 – Gingivitis

The preliminary stage of gum disease is gingivitis. A person suffers from inflammation of the gums and this inflammation is caused due to the bacterial plaque buildup around the gum-line surface. When brushing or flossing fails to clean out this plaque, toxins are produced which cause irritation and inflammation of the gum tissue. Common signs of gingivitis include swollen and bleeding gums. Since the effect is only on the gum surface, reversing the effect of gingivitis is much easier. To get it treated, you need to get scaling of the plaque done by a dentist.

Stage 2 – Periodontitis

If the signs of gingivitis are not caught on time and treated, the disease could escalate and turn into periodontitis. In periodontitis, the excessive plaque buildup transforms into tartar and affects the bone and connective fibers that support your teeth. A clear sign of periodontitis is when your gums develop pocket-like spaces below the gum-line which again aids in trapping more food debris. People often have bad breath, and the jaw bone shows sign of damage in the form of a shaky permanent tooth. It is crucial to visit a general dentistry in Edmonton at the earliest to start the treatment.

Stage 3 – Advanced Periodontitis

Advanced periodontitis is also known as the final stage of gum disease. If gum disease is not caught after many warnings, it damages the fibers and the bone supporting the teeth. The effect of advanced periodontitis is irreversible, and it often results in extreme tooth decay or permanent tooth loss. There is not much a dentist can do except for removing the affected teeth.

General dentistry experts in Edmonton recommend that you take good care of your teeth and gums to avoid gum disease altogether. Following a proper flossing and brushing routine and eating healthy food items can go a long way in preventing gum diseases. Visit the dentist for regular dental checkups and avoid the occurrence of gum disease.