How Can Flossing Benefit Your Dental Health?

During your regular visits to the dentist, you may have been advised to follow a proper dental care routine at home for a healthy mouth. The routine recommended by dentists includes brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. But, is flossing actually helping? Here are a few ways in which flossing benefits your dental health.

Helps in Better Brushing

Many people do not feel the need to floss because they assume that brushing their teeth is sufficient to clean their teeth. Brushing your teeth with a fluoride-rich toothpaste is a good way to clean your teeth.However, the bristles of your toothbrush cannot enter every crevice of your teeth and gums. Flossing after you brush your teeth ensures that the food particles and bacterial debris are cleaned out from the crevices. When such debris is cleaned out, it gives more area to the toothpaste to enter and eradicate bacteria.

Reduces Plaque and Tartar

With the constant eating and drinking, food debris  gets accumulated. This forms plaque and eventually tartar. Tartar is the stubborn buildup of plaque which only a dentist can remove. Flossing is effective in removing plaque in between teeth where your toothbrush cannot reach. Regular flossing ensures that tartar buildup does not take place.

Helps Avoid Gum Diseases

Flossing your teeth not only benefits teeth but the gums. The process of flossing mainly focuses in the area between tooth and gum. It is a major problem area as tartar and plaque tend to accumulate in this region. Flossing regularly curbs tartar and plaque buildup, thereby reducing the risk of gingivitis. Remember, gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. If you do not floss and let the debris remain in your gums, it could lead to periodontitis in the long run.

Helps Prevent Bad Breath

The bacteria in food items emit a nasty odor. This bacterial buildup on your teeth and gums could leave you with bad breath. Regular flossing cleans out the food debris from your teeth and gums and curbs bacterial build up which helps to keep your mouth free of bacteria and bad breath.

By following these simple dental hygiene habits, you could avoid major costly dental problems in the future. Make sure to follow a proper dental routine and make your dentist happy on the next hygiene visit. Get in touch with Signature Smilez for great smiles dental Edmonton.