Bruxism and the Importance of wearing night guard

Bruxism is referred to as a dental condition when a person grinds or clenches their teeth. This disorder affects people of all age groups and sexes. Bruxism eventually destroys the teeth and tissue due to the friction between the jaws. This can cause teeth to hurt, become loose or ground away completely.

Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that they have been dealing with this problem as it is an unconscious habit. It can happen when you are awake or asleep, depending on the nature of your problem. The factors that cause bruxism can be physical, psychological or genetic.

Treatment of bruxism

The appropriate treatment of bruxism depends upon the cause of the problem. It may be caused due to stress and anxiety or some sleep disorder. By asking several questions and by inspecting the amount of damage caused to the teeth, dentist can help determine the potential cause of bruxism.

Importance of wearing a night guard

Out of all the options available for treating bruxism, night guard is the most recommended device as the first line of treatment. Night guards can be custom made by a dentist. They slip over the upper or lower teeth and prevents them from grinding against the opposing dentition. It is usually worn during the night during sleep.

A night guard helps reduce bruxism by:

Relaxing jaw muscles – A night guard is comfortable and lightweight. Dentists can customize night guards according to the person’s mouth in a way that it minimizes the stress on jaw joints and muscles. As a result, it reduces wear and tear and ensures the protection of the teeth.

Alleviating headaches – Grinding of teeth causes headaches that can be difficult to handle. Night guards help to relieve headaches. People have experienced complete or temporary relief from headaches with the consistent use of night guards.

Improving sleep patterns – Night guards contribute to improving sleep patterns. With the regular use of night guards, there is a significant reduction in headaches and jaw pain, which facilitates muscle relaxation. Also, as a night guard prevents grinding and clenching, there is no sound of teeth grinding. As a result, it helps in peaceful sleep for both you and your partner.

A night guard is the best solution for saving your teeth from wear and tear caused by bruxism. They are easy to use and also saves you from costly future expenses for restoring your teeth. For more information about bruxism and night guards, contact us at Signature Smilez Family Dental.