It is evident that natural teeth will undergo wear and tear over time or if neglected will be lost due to caries or gum diseases. Such situations take away from you ,your beautiful smile and leave gaps, which causes an embarrassing situation to deal with. Dentures help you regain your smile. But they are not as comfortable as your natural teeth. Fortunately, modern dentistry has come up with solutions to offer more comfortable alternatives to deal with missing teeth. They are implant retained dentures that overshadow all the hard to deal with situations regarding dentures. Here are five reasons why implant supported dentures are better than dentures.
Acts like your real teeth
Implant retained dentures are better than dentures as they are robust and durable. Unlike dentures, implant supported ones will have reduced chance of dislodging. Dental implants are fused to the jawbone to offer support to the bridge or dentures. They act and feel just like your natural teeth. This makes implant supported dentures more comfortable, as they won’t be a cause of constant worry or fear of dislodging at the wrong time, thereby keeping your confidence intact.
A low-maintenance option
The best thing about dental implant dentures is that they require low maintenance. Since the new prosthetic is fixed in place, it can be maintained by following the regular oral care routine. Basic brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits will ensure good oral hygiene to maintain them just like real teeth.
Retains your natural smile
Since they are placed in the jaw, implant supported dentures are easier to get used to than dentures as they hold the natural shape of your face, jaw, and cheeks in place. The issues with dentures are that it may or may not fit perfectly in your mouth leading to discomfort, which causes irritation to the gum tissues.
Long lasting solution
Ordinary dentures are subject to wear and tear over a period of time. Implant supported dentures, on the other hand, are fixed in a place with the help of titanium screws that adds to it’s strength. If taken care of, they can last a long time without the need for replacement.
Comfortable to live with
When people use traditional dentures there occurs a gradual bone loss that results in refitting the dentures to accommodate to the new shape of the jaw. This isn’t required with implant supported dentures as they are fixed in a place, and once fit in the mouth they are as good as real teeth. Unlike dentures, with implant supported dentures, patients can enjoy uninterrupted stability and confidence.
You will never want to cause grief to yourself by making the wrong choice for your oral health. While implant supported dentures offer various benefits over ordinary dentures, some conditions may demand you to opt for dentures. To make sure, you are making the right choice for your oral health, book an appointment with a dentist to find the appropriate services for your dental problems.